Thursday, September 6, 2007


Well then, the future is bleak and I do not know where I am heading to. Three choices. Applied math, environmental engineering and economics. Which one should I choose? It is not like I appreciate ambivalence often. Pfft.

Applied math, favourite stuff, interesting course. Problem is, I am not an A level student and I do not have a very dainty secondary school math history.

Environmental engineering, lovely prospects, CHEMISTRY, engineering, math, madness stuff. Likewise, I am held back by my O levels credentials. The market is big out there, even here in Singapore.

Economics, bam stuff, fatal erudition, impressive credentials if succeed. Problem is, there is less math and more verbal and literal babble I have to deal with. So what is with economics? I am just plain interested. If I were an economics graduate, I will have to work for the chicken baba financial industry.

Enough said, chicken baba.